Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
Talking about financials and money can be scary for some people. And thinking about any economic downturns can be frightening to just about every business owner. But that doesn't mean we should put our heads in the sand. Solid financial planning can keep us from riding the rollercoaster of...
That question is the one EVERYONE wants an answer to! Our clients are driving us crazy with questions about their furnishings, and we're stuck in the middle. Even our vendors don't have all the answers. Things change daily with shipping containers, plant closures, truck shortages and more. So...
It's a VERY tight job market out there right now. You probably already know that if you've been trying to hire help. And when it's almost impossible to get new employees, you DEFINITELY do not want to lose the ones you have. Especially if you are lucky enough to have a fabulous employee. Here's...
There are so many fabulous architects and builders out there to work with - but, let's admit, some are better than others. There are always those superstar builders that are doing amazing homes and I've been lucky enough to work with some of them. But how do you get to know them if your business...
There is so much attention focused on the other quarters of a financial year, that we forget how important the end of a 3rd quarter is. This is the point at which you still have time to adjust your path and meet your goals before the year ends. And it isn't too early to plan for the next year,...
This year has flown by AND it has dragged its feet. Who knew this was what 2021 was going to be, right?! So why in the world would I want you to go ahead and plan for 2022? Because of what 2020 and 2021 turned out to be, of course!! We had no clue what we and our businesses would be hit with over...
Procurement has always been both a great thing for interior designers... and the bane of our existence. It's even worse now with supply delays, shipping issues, and impossible-to-find products. So, of course, it's again raised the question about whether or not designers should shop with their...
We're heading into Labor Day week, the last hurrah for summer vacations. It has been a crazy year for interior designers and we need every bit of time off that we can get. But how do you juggle your clients AND your vacation?! How do you keep those clients happy and keep those projects moving, so...
There is nothing more awkward than sitting with a couple while they throw verbal darts at each other. And designing a home can bring stressors that cause issues between clients - which of course is made even worse if there are already problems in their relationship. UGH. But having to be a family...
Here's a scenario that's becoming way too common today - your client gets tired of waiting for product or the contractor so they decide they want to change things up. They may want to expand the scope of what they originally wanted, or they decide they don't want to continue with parts of the...
We often have to remind our clients that interior designers are not a furniture salespeople, and not an hourly employee. But, if that’s how you present your billing or your services, you’re definitely going to be undervalued – both by yourself and your client. Your clients...
I love to be dazzled by showhouse designs, don't you?! They are the pinnacle of creativity and a great opportunity to see (and get to know!) the best work of the selected designers. Showhouses can create a lot of buzz, but are they really WORTH doing? Should you be involved in a...