Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
Finding the perfect potential clients can be a time consuming job - but it is CRITICAL to your future success, and it's something you should be doing all the time. Networking, marketing, and a lot of outreach can pull in some great possible clients, but then what?? It's almost like a dating...
Running your own business is so difficult - you have to understand your financials, have a solid business plan, create a strategic marketing plan, be witty and smart on social media, manage your clients, AND manage your team members. Whew, that is A LOT. But there is one thing, above all the...
Keeping your head down and completely focusing on a project can keep the work rolling smoothly. But one day you'll raise your head and realize you don't have any other projects coming your way. YIKES! That is definitely not a good scenario - so how do you keep that from happening to you and your...