Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
In a recent blog post, I talked about how you can get back in the driver's seat for your company. Too often in this business we feel out of control, and that keeps us from moving toward our goals with CONFIDENCE. If you're in that place now, where you need to reset everything and move forward,...
Money is scary, even to business people. It is consistently listed as a topic that people hate to talk about, even more than death, religion, or politics! But putting your head in the sand and ignoring the "money talk" is no way to run a business. And in fact, that way of handling it is...
There is so much attention focused on the other quarters of a financial year, that we forget how important the end of a 3rd quarter is. This is the point at which you still have time to adjust your path and meet your goals before the year ends. And it isn't too early to plan for the next year,...
Like almost every business out there, we're having to rip up the goals and financial markers we set for ourselves in January and write new ones. We were so naive at the beginning of the year, weren't we?! But seriously, no one saw this pandemic and shutdown coming, and now we need to rethink our...