Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks

How to Build Strong Client Relationships clients

Most interior designers receive the bulk of their business through referrals - that's just the name of the game. And there's only one proven way to get that referral. You've got to build really STRONG relationships with your clients! You not only want their continued business in the future,...

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Why Customer Service Is More Important Than Ever clients

You can call it customer service, client support, or customer care but all of those phrases mean one thing - taking care of your clients! And in the interior design business, that has NEVER been more important than it is today. Why? Because that client attention is what sets YOU apart from your...

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Wrapping It Up: The Final Touches clients systems

We've been talking a lot about the nine client touchpoints - but do you know which TWO are the most important?! The first one is definitely the presentation. It's when you show the client what their dream home can be! But then, it's all about the REVEAL!! That is truly the time for you to SHINE....

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Making It Happen: The Middle of the Project clients systems

This month we're reviewing those critical client touchpoints and how you can make the most of them! We've gone through the first initial stages and today we're getting to the heart of a project, when you actually make it HAPPEN! But it's also a bit of an odd time for the client. You're working...

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Selling Your Design: The First Critical Touchpoints clients systems

Through the month of June, we're talking about those all-important client touchpoints. They're the times when you can make the greatest impact on your clients, whether through customer service or design WOW factors. In this post, I want to talk about the first four touchpoints: Pre-Contract,...

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Making the Most of Client Touchpoints clients systems

The creativity of your projects is definitely at the heart of great interior design. But the ability to WOO your clients is what is going to make you successful! It's true! Happy clients mean repeat business, and they will refer you to NEW business, too. It's the keystone to any company's...

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How Communication Can Solve Any Project Challenge clients sops

If you've read this blog for any amount of time, you know how important I think communication is. It's the keystone for an effective business, especially one that involves clients! And no matter what challenges or issues you hit during in your company or with a project, you can definitely smooth...

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Navigating a Client Couple clients systems

There is nothing more awkward than finding yourself in the middle of an argument between a client couple! There are so many times when being a designer can feel like you're also a family therapist - and that's no fun. Emotions are often high around a design project, especially because you're...

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4 Tips for Better Client Communication clients systems

Communication is one of my favorite topics - because it can truly make or BREAK your business! This month we'll focus on communication, starting with your clients. How you navigate through a project and deliver on your promises is what will define your company and your reputation. You want to...

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Filling that Client Pipeline clients marketing

The key to running a smooth - and less stressful!! - business is by having a full client pipeline! You want to be able to look ahead for the next 12-18 months and know that your income will be solid and you'll be busy. But this isn't a task that can just be reviewed and then checked off of a...

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Review Your Client Pipeline for 2024 business coach business ideas business leader business tips business trends client acquisition client pipeline clients entrepreneur female entrepreneur how to be a ceo how to get clients interior design interior design business interior designer kathleen dipaolo return on interiors roi system running a small business small business small business owner smart business women led business women run business

OK - everyone have their seatbelts on? If you listen to economists and forecasters, 2024 is going to be a bit of a bumpy ride. But work that you do NOW can help you avoid some of the bigger potholes. I know you're busy and that we're heading into the craziness of the holidays, but we need to look...

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