Everything has been upended this year – absolutely everything, including design installations! And given that our business is about the home, it’s been even crazier. How we work with clients is definitely something that can change week to week. It’s hard to stay on top of...
Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
I am always in favor of being completely honest with your clients - it really saves you problems in the long run. And that includes heading problems off at the pass. Communication is key to a successful project. (Yes. It's my mantra!) That is especially true when you know there are going to be...
We're moving quickly into the holiday season, and that always makes me think of gifts for my clients. One of the best gifts that any designer can give their clients may seem too mundane but is SOOO important, and that's the maintenance binder! WHAT?! A binder full of paper?? Yes! You will make...
Even the most confident business owner has moments of doubt - I know I have! And times like these make it even harder not to let your fears take over. I like to remind myself that fear can actually be useful. It can help you plan a strategy to make it through economic ups and downs, for sure....
Most of our greatest achievements AND our worst setbacks in our companies come down to one thing - communication. When we're good at communicating with our clients, employees, and suppliers, everything can run like a well-oiled machine. But forget to tell someone about a change, or decide not to...
In times of change, like now, it's a great time to look for opportunities and innovation - to really focus your eyes on the future. I know, many days you don't even feel like dealing with today, let alone tomorrow! But think about all of the recent changes in the way we look at our home. Who...
We're soooo close to the end of 2020! While I don't want to rush time, I know a lot of us are going to be glad to see the end of this crazy year. But what I don't want you to do is slide out of the 4th quarter in a chaotic mess. We want to end this year strong to prepare for whatever is coming in...
This has been a HUGE talking point in the interior design business - how much to tell your clients (or show them) when it comes to fees and pricing. And like a lot of things in our world, for me it all comes down to communication. Let's take a look at best practices for transparency!
Your Fees
If you're reading this and expecting a magic bullet to bring you tons of cash...you're in the wrong place! BUT, I do have tips that I know work and that I know will help you make more money. Sadly, they aren't going to involve a wand or any kind of good luck charms. HA! This is more about tough...
A lot can change in six months. If we didn't know that before, we sure did learn it over the last six months, RIGHT?! And that's especially true of how we live at home today. We're homeschooling, working, Zooming, vacationing - all at home. That can be really frustrating, especially if our...
A year ago, we had no idea that most of our meetings would be on video! But here we are. Depending on where you live and how the pandemic is going there, you may be handling all of your communications and meetings with clients on Zoom (or some other video meeting tool). It can be hard to make a...
I'm going to let you in on a secret - I LOVE checklists! Ha! I know, it's no secret! I always have loved a good list, even as a kid. There's something about putting a checkmark next to something or drawing a line through it! That sense of accomplishment is huge!! But, I know for many people a...