Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
I love this time of year - and not just for the holidays. I consider this the "clean slate" season! It's time to review the old year and set your goals and intentions for a brand new year. There's the excitement of what might be around the corner and all the new exciting times that may be...
It's crazy that we're already into April and the second quarter of the business year! It may seem too soon to review anything in your business at this point, but I think this is one of the BEST times to stop and look at how your year is going so far. WHY? Because you have 9 months to change...
In the past, so many designers have set a "word" or intention for a new year. Although that fell out of favor a bit once the pandemic showed up with all its chaos, I think there is one word ALL interior designers should have on their radar this year: ACTION. This year should be THE year that you...
This is the perfect time of year to look back at what you've accomplished and to look forward to where you want your business to go in 2021. Things slow down around the holidays since our clients want to focus on their families, so we actually have more time to review and reflect. I have great...