small business, entrepreneur, business goals, roi, roi system,

3 Critical Business Goals for 2021

We're at the very end of an old (and not-so-great) year and the beginning of a new year that we hope will bring us better days. This is a pivotal time for you and your business - a great time to set important goals for what could be another rollercoaster ride of a year. There are 3 goals that are the most critical for your business and should always be on the review list for your company. Read through them below, and then find out how to quickly and easily achieve those goals (no, REALLY!).

1. Your Finances 

Whether you're completely out of the loop on your finances, or you just have a couple of things you could do better, make this the year that you nail it all down. It's time REALLLLY treat your business like a business by understanding how much money is coming in and how much is going out. You need to know exactly how profitable your design business is and how to set goals to get you in a better financial position. This is the year to set regular meetings with your accountant, bookkeeper, tax attorney, financial planner, and anyone else who helps you understand your finances. You need to understand your profit margins, your cash flow, your P&L, and every detail of your financial picture. The more you know, the better your business will run.

2. Your Systems & Procedures

It's time to stop saying you're going to create and maintain systems and procedures for every part of your business. It's time to actually DO IT. Button-down every part of your business by creating timelines and budget worksheets. Create templates for how you spec product. Develop step-by-step processes so you can be more efficient and effective in every single project. There is no better time than NOW to get this done. You can go into a new year with a business that runs more smoothly, which is going to help you attract and keep more clients! Now that's a great goal! (And PS - I can definitely help you shortcut all of this work! Just keep reading!)

3. Your Marketing

Unfortunately, too many designers make their marketing an afterthought. If they're too busy, they say they'll get to it later. If they're in a business slump, they say they don't have enough money to put toward marketing. But this is one area that you cannot ignore for long - or you'll be out of business! Marketing should be a strategy that you plan for all 12 months of the year. It should be a thoughtful approach to reach prospective clients, not a last-minute panicked idea. Start thinking about what tactics you can use to help improve your business in 2021.

That's a lot, I know!! And you still have a business to run. But these are critical goals to not only keep your company running, but to also improve and grow in the new year. And here's the great news - I have a shortcut that will help you get all 3 goals completed in NO TIME. 

My Return on Interiors system is designed to help you take control of your business and gives you ALL of the systems and procedures to do that! You get training modules, hundreds of checklists and templates, as well as worksheets and interactive questionnaires. You get serious tools and tips for budgeting, getting your finances in order, staying organized, and marketing your business. It's all done for you so you can save the hundreds of hours that it took me to create this system. It’s also completed and branded for you, so that you instantly up your game!

Start the year off right by QUICKLY getting everything organized and ready to help you find more success in 2021! Just click here to learn more.

And there is one more gift I have for you! Download my FREE Annual Business Review Checklist to work through what worked and what didn't in 2020. It will help you start to set even more GREAT goals for your next 12 months of success!



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Ready to Get Some Processes in Place - and Get Back Time to Work on Your Business?

Organize and automate your interior design business by implementing a few business processes. Each process helps designers show up prepared and professional at every step.

Download this FREE GUIDE and start automating your business today!