Interior Design Business


Tips & Tricks
How to Handle These 5 Top Business Frustrations #clients #systems

I love interior design - and I know you do, too! We are thrilled when we're being creative, we love making our clients happy, and we are so excited to finish a lovely project. But... there are those moments that make us wonder why we're in this business at all! Things go wrong, clients...

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Client Red Flags You Just Can’t Ignore #clients

Every interior designer has had at least one not-great client (or more than one!). It is just a miserable experience and can REALLY drag you down! It can even impact your work with other clients and projects. So if at all possible, it's best to avoid those frustrating clients. There are...

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4 Smart Ways to Present a Design Budget #budgets #clients

Interior design budgets can be such a headache! They're tough to create (especially with today's price increases and constant product shortages) and they can be even tougher to explain to your client. UGH! And sometimes you want that particular project so much that you're willing to skip over a...

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4 Tips for Presenting Pricing with Confidence #clients #systems

Why is it SO hard to talk about money?? It is actually more difficult for people than talking about death or politics. UGH. Interior designers are creatives - we love to talk about the pretty things and the stunning interiors we're going to create. But then we break out in a sweat when we have to...

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6 Ways to Take Customer Service to the Next Level #clients #systems

In this world of online and real-world competition, there's only one way to stay ahead of the pack. That's providing stellar customer service, every time to EVERY client! But that isn't always the easiest thing to do, so I have 6 tips that will help you improve your customer service game and...

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4 Tips for Attracting (and Keeping!) Great Clients #clients

The most important thing you can do for your business is attract fabulous clients - sounds easy, right?! But we ALL know that none of what we do is easy. And the hardest part can be to get the RIGHT clients, and then to keep them long after the original project is complete. When I say...

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