Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks

4 Ways to Conquer Your Business Fears business business goals return on interiors small business

Even the most confident business owner has moments of doubt - I know I have! And times like these make it even harder not to let your fears take over. I like to remind myself that fear can actually be useful. It can help you plan a strategy to make it through economic ups and downs, for sure....

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Sending You Love ❤️ business interior design

The "C" Word

I just wanted to send you all my love and encouragement. I know that coronavirus has caused (or will cause!) a ton of changes for you, your family and your businesses! So before, you become overwhelmed...or after and is a little reminder to take one thing at a time!

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How to End the Year on a High Note! business business goals interior design

There is so much excitement this time of year - but if you're a business owner, there's a LOT of stress, too! You're trying to tie up your projects, get your invoices paid, and get paid yourself! It's a whirlwind and it can make you crazy. So how do you end the year on a high note?! Here's a peek...

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Why Aren't You Charging Enough for Your Services? business interior design interior designer return on interiors

There are too many interior designers who aren't making a good living out there today. And the most common reason for that is they aren't charging enough for their services. It's so frustrating to hear from designers that they feel like they want to throw in the towel and say ENOUGH! And usually,...

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Do You Know Your Profit Margins? business business goals interior design return on interiors small business

I know. Chatting about profit margins is so exciting! Ok, I jest. But, the end of the year is coming sooner than you think and I want you to get in the best mindset to review your business for the year!

What are Profit margins?

Profit margins are confusing! Often, designers think that they're...

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