Change the way you think about your design business,

Transform the way you work




Do you...

  • Bounce from sticky note to notepad to text to find that important information you were supposed to relay to the contractor?

  • Feel like you don't get anything finished?

  • Get exhausted because your mind can't turn off at night?


Take control of your

design business and

begin each day with

clarity and purpose!

I'm ready

The Key to Success is...

  • Focus on the right priorities - not the wrong distractions

  • Work on what will drive your business forward in your business - not waste time reacting to whatever is in front of you 

  • Use repeatable processes and systems for your design projects - so you stop dropping the ball on important design details

I'm REady for success→

 Ready to take back control?

Select one of the Design Business Solutions below

It's as easy as 1,2, or 3

Design Project Blueprint Project Management

    • Follow a repeatable framework for projects of all sizes and complexities

    • Gain back time and create efficiencies so you can scale your business quicker

    • Optimize and elevate the quality and professionalism of your the entire project team

Design project blueprint

Communication, Onboarding and Offboarding Templates

    • Improves team communication by providing a clear and organized way to follow a CEO-driven processes.

    • A well-executed offboarding strategy makes clients feel valued, listened to and satisfied

    • Finish off a project with a positive experience, so they are ready to call you for the next project

Communication Templates

Quick Reference Guides and Templates

    • Keep stress levels down with visuals, guides and tips to convey your ideas and designs

    • Educational guides will uplevel your project and improve team knowledge 

    • Selection details and images to share with clients, trades and team, keeps everyone on the same page

Quick Reference Guides

Hear what fans are saying!


Kara Cox Interiors

Return on Interiors has streamlined my processes and I love being able to gather all of the information needed into one organized system! There are so many decisions to be made in each phase of construction and having a system to make sure you have not forgotten a step is invaluable!

Return on Interiors has raised the professional level of my client management system and I love showing up organized and ready for every job!



Lisa Mende Designs

Return on Interiors system has streamlined my business more than I thought possible!

I highly suggest the ROI System to any designer who wants to benefit from having a seasoned designer share her method for working with clients. It’s like having another top shelf designer on staff.

ROI is well worth the money, as it has saved me so much time with clients, which, in essence, is money in my pocket!


Traci Zeller Designs

As a designer, I use the ROI System to educate my clients about their design options and ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of their project.

My clients are empowered by the “takeaway tools” the ROI System provides, and it increases their comfort level with the process. I can’t even imagine the hundreds of hours it would have taken me to create tools like this, and by purchasing the ROI System, I got everything in a “plug and play” package. It’s a huge added value for my clients.

For Design Business

Time Saving & Organizational Tactics!

Head over to the blog for short tips and videos 

Take me to the blog→

How to Build Strong Client Relationships

6 Ways to Take Customer Service to the Next Level

4 Tips for Attracting (and Keeping!) Great Clients