Organize Your Office for Success

The first month of the year is a traditional time to organize your home. So why not make it the traditional time to organize your business? We spend a lot of time as CEOs thinking about projects, creativity, products, and marketing, and we often FORGET about the day-to-day office tasks that can really slow us down or support our business in a BIG way! So I want you to try these 4 ideas to get your office organized and running smoothly and efficiently! 

1. Process It

I know, I know - setting up systems and processes is something I talk about a LOT! But there's a reason for that! It saves you time and MONEY! It makes your business more profitable and more efficient. So STOP putting this off and get those systems in place right now! You should have them set for your projects, for your marketing, for your financials, and EVERY other important aspect of your company. And if you already have systems in place, use this time to reevaluate them to see if you need to change or simplify anything- or even make sure it's on brand for where you and your company are now.

2. Staff Reset

It's a great time to reexamine every part of your business, including your staffing. Do you have the team that you need? Are there jobs that could be reorganized to make things more efficient or to better use people's strengths? What can you outsource to someone else? And while you're thinking about that, also decide if there are any tasks on YOUR list that you could pass to someone else. Remember that YOU are the most important employee that you have, the person who can make the most money for the company. So be sure YOUR time is organized to make the most of your skills.

3. Office Org

Of course there's also the more usual way of thinking about organizing. Your office needs to be set up so it's clean and coordinated. It needs to have a place for everything and everything in its place. That doesn't mean just the fabric samples, but any books, papers, files, and client folders. Archive any old files to get them out of your way. And be sure that your digital files are just as organized as any paper files! It's also a great time to clean out old samples that are no longer available - just get rid of anything you no longer need!

4. Schedule It

Another perfect place for organization is your calendar!! Block out those regular meetings that you need to have - like your financial team, your staff, and your marketing team. Also set up times for creative thinking, for your goal status check-ins, and any other regular calendar items. Do NOT allow yourself to move those regular items off of your calendar. Once you do that, it's a slippery slope to get back into the groove. You even want to put in any personal items, like vacations, appointments, and family obligations. Getting that calendar set up for the year is going to keep your business running like a top!

Here's another way I can help you stay organized in 2024 - download my FREE Guide to Prioritize Your To-Do List! And keep scrolling for even MORE help!

PS - The BEST and EASIEST way to get your processes in place is with my Return on Interiors system! I've done ALLLLL the hard work for you, providing templates, timelines, spec sheets and MORE. Just click here to learn more.

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Ready to Get Some Processes in Place - and Get Back Time to Work on Your Business?

Organize and automate your interior design business by implementing a few business processes. Each process helps designers show up prepared and professional at every step.

Download this FREE GUIDE and start automating your business today!