4 Marketing Messages to Use in 2024

If you aren't already in the middle of marketing for 2024 business, then it is TIME to get that plan in place! Most predictions are that the first part of next year will see more belt tightening and less business, so you want to start getting in front of your clients now with messaging that reminds them of how important an investment in their homes can be! You also want to be everywhere - it's called omnichannel marketing. That means marketing through social media ads, email, direct mail, grassroots, networking, and more. But you also need to have messaging that will WORK in a difficult economic year. Try these four ideas to help fill your client pipeline!

1. Get Personal

This idea is actually two ways of looking at the word "personal." First, you always want to highlight that a home should be unique and completely personal to THAT client and her family. No one wants a cookie cutter home, and that's exactly WHY they hire a designer. But also, try to craft personal messages to people, rather than blasting the SAME info to every single potential client. This works really well in email marketing (and you had better beef up your email marketing list!). For example, you can send emails to former clients, with personally crafted messages that could only be for that individual client. It strikes a good chord with people and shows you CARE.

2. Be Authentic

Sometimes when people get nervous about their business prospects, they want to be EVERYTHING to everyone. That is a big mistake. This is the time to show WHO you are and what you bring to the table. You want to attract clients that will be a good fit, and the only way to do that is to show them your true and authentic brand. Speak in your own voice and be true to who you are. If you're working with a marketing firm, be sure that they are using a brand voice that fits. There's nothing worse than missing the mark on what your brand stands for! Authenticity (and trust) are going to be even more important in 2024.

3. Show Your Value

Talk to your potential clients about what you bring to the table and how you serve THEM. You want to talk about the importance investing in a home. But also you want to show how you can save them time and money! Even luxury clients want to be sure that you are going to be a good steward for their investment and budget! Showcase how valuable your services are both visually and through a great bulleted list of highlights.

4. Hit Them at Home

There is one theme that ALWAYS works during an election year that's also a year of economic uncertainty. Do you know what it is? Nostalgia. You'll see it in movies, books, marketing, advertising, and even fashion trends. And nothing makes people MORE nostalgic than memories made in their homes with family. So play on that idea! An investment in their home is a way to set the stage for family celebrations, for making memories that will last a lifetime. Nothing is more sacred than your personal space, and nothing is more important than a home that fits your lifestyle and makes you feel welcomed and happy. That's a winning message for designers.

I know you have a lot to do as the year winds down, but put your 2024 marketing plan at the TOP of your to-do list - it's key to making your business successful next year. To help you, download my FREE Guide for How to Prioritize Your To-Do List!




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